Tag Archives: 7 segment


We need clocks. Once you have passionate activities which absorbs all your attention, if you want to keep contact with the social society surrounding you, it’s crucial to know when we are.

From this observation, it started this project with the wish to use the big LCD panels which take the dust somewhere. They are Lumex LCD-S101D30TR, 7 segment digit 3″ tall. The micro controller is a PIC18F87K90, and it does everything. So the hardware comes down to only a battery, a micro (with surrounding capacitors and an oscillator) and 6 LCD panels.


The digits are soldered on prototyping boards, which are screwed to two long rods. A basic white surrounding plastic frame, and I think it does the job!


No relief now to say “Oh god, I didn’t see the time passing while I’m playing….”


For details, go to the hackaday.io project page : https://hackaday.io/project/9687-bigclock


 Creative Commons License